Monday, March 14, 2011

The Importance of Blueberry Nutrition

In today's world, convenience usually comes before health. People are always on the go and grab food whenever they can. This type of eating can wreak havoc not only on your health but your skin too! The more unhealthy foods you eat, the less healthy looking your skin will be. This can be fixed simply by following a few steps.
  1. Stop eating junky, convenience foods. This means cutting out fast foods, packaged food, and sweets. Processed foods fill your body with chemicals and toxins which can make you feel tired, worn out, and make your skin look dull.
  2. Detox- Your body is full of all this yucky stuff and the only way to let it all go is to detox. This can be very easy by using fresh fruits and vegetables. Many whole foods have a detoxifying effect, such as celery.
  3. Once your body is detoxed, your diet should consist of whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Stay away from processed, packaged foods. 
  4. Eat blueberries! One of the most nutritious foods you can eat comes in a little tiny package. Blueberries are packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants which can help reduce the signs of aging when eaten and when used as a part of your skin care routine (mash it up and put all over your face for a energizing facial.) The effects of blueberry nutrition are immense for the body. Blueberries are low calorie and delicious in recipes, smoothies, or simply tossed with some plain yogurt.


  1. I agree that blueberries are great for you. I am your first and newest follower! I look forward to reading your blogs. I hope you will check out my vegetarian recipe blog and follow me back.

  2. Thanks, Judee. I will definitely check out your blog as I recently started eating a gluten free diet and feel much better! Thanks for following and visiting. Please check out my main blog too!

  3. Berries such as blueberry has a lot of health benefits. They contain rich amount of antioxidants which helps fight certain diseases such as cancer. Always take care of your health; check out Vitamins Canada now.

  4. I love blueberries! I used to go and pick them myself in the woods in Sweden.

  5. Blueberries are great, I like to stir them into my Super-Filler Porridge for example.

    It helps that they're very low-cal AND low g.i., don't you agree?


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